Say goodbye to dry, irritated eyes and hello to brighter, well-lubricated vision.

Experience soothing relief with our state-of-the-art Dry Eye treatment. Our advanced approach, featuring Lumenis by Optilight IPL technology, targets the root cause of Dry Eye Syndrome. Through gentle and precise treatments, we stimulate natural tear production and alleviate discomfort. Trust our expert optometrists to restore your eye comfort and enhance your quality of life. Rediscover the joy of clear, moisturized eyes.

IPL Treatment

OptiLight by Lumenis is a light-based, non-invasive treatment done around the eyes region to treat some of the underlying inflammation conditions that cause dry eye symptoms. It is the first and only IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) treatment that is FDA-approved for dry eye management.

The treatment is safe, gentle, and is backed by more than 20 clinical studies.

Other benefits

Reduce Inflammatory Mediators

Decrease the level of pro-inflammatory mediators to inhibit inflammation.1,2

Improve Tear Breakup Time

Significantly boost tear break up time and decrease osmolarity.6,7

Alleviate Abnormal Blood Vessels

Destroy the abnormal blood vessels that perpetuate inflammation.3,4

Restore Meibomian Glands

Improve meibomian gland morphology and functionality.2

Decrease Demodex

Decrease the population of Demodex mites, which stimulate infection and boost the bacterial load on eyelids.5

What to Expect

Specs Optometry offers cutting-edge dry eye solutions through comprehensive exams and personalized treatment plans. Our expert team utilizes advanced diagnostic techniques to pinpoint the underlying causes of ocular surface symptoms and evaluate the efficiency of your tear film's protective function.

We believe in empowering our patients with knowledge about their treatment options. Each dry eye patient receives a tailor-made treatment plan, complete with detailed explanations and step-by-step instructions.

The initial IPL treatment requires 4 sessions scheduled 3-4 weeks apart. Many patients report increased symptom relief after each session.

The doctors at Specs Optometry combine other treatments for optimal results. Quarterly maintenance IPL treatments are recommended for patients who suffer from a chronic ocular surface disease, such as:

  • Ocular and facial rosacea
  • Frequent Styes
  • Dry eye disease associated with a systemic and auto-immune disease
  • Demodex
  • Blepharitis

The IPL treatment is non-invasive and gentle. During the treatment, the doctor will apply a cool coupling gel on the treatment area and cover your eyes with either cornea or IPL shields.

The treatment itself takes about 15 minutes. As light is applied to the skin, you may experience a warm sensation. Patients are asked to come with a clean face and no makeup.

An IPL treatment typically includes 4 sessions spaced 3–4 weeks apart. We will then work with you to determine the best schedule for maintaining your results. This can range from every 3-4 months to once a year.

OptiLight by Lumenis is well-tolerated and most people can resume their normal activities immediately following treatment.

Most women can apply their makeup after treatment.

You might experience some redness or a warm sensation in the treatment area, but this usually resolves in less than 48 hours.

Cost will vary depending on the severity of your dry eyes. The initial consultation is free. Cost for a single IPL treatment is $400 and typically a patient will need 4 treatments over the course of 4 months. Follow-ups are recommended annually, but check with the Optometrist for your tailored IPL treatment plan. Call us at 858-209-2146 to inquire about our introductory offer.

Book Your Free Consultation

Consultations are done at all Specs Locations. Select Dry Eye Consultation for appointment type. IPL Treatments are done at our One Paseo location only.

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